Experienced carers in London

Our mission is to provide domiciliary care services that help you and your loved ones rise above the storm - to a place of safety, peace, and security.

Providing domiciliary care services

We'll bring our care to your loved one's home, allowing them to relax in a familiar and comfortable environment.

Fully checked and qualified

Background checks

Advanced DBS checks for all carers

Qualified carers

NVQ Level 2 training or higher

True care

Compassion that leads to quality

Steps to receive care

Reach out

Get in touch with us...

Tell us more

Share your care needs...

Choose a plan

We'll agree a care plan...

Start care

And we'll get started!

Our team

Charles Chikowi

Director & CEO

  • Charles has been in and around the care industry for 8+ years.

  • He's also gained experience in business administration in the automotive industry.

  • This combination of experience and entrepreneurial skills drives Miranzi forward.

Ottilia Siby

Nominated Individual

  • Ottilia has a BSc in Health & Social Care and has been working in healthcare for over 20 years.

  • For most of the last decade she's been working in rehabilitation in the NHS, learning best practices and demonstrating her dedication to the field.

Leandra Chikowi

Registered Manager

  • Leandra is a NMC-Registered General Nurse, with a BSc Honours in Adult Nursing from the University of Canterbury Christ Church.

  • Her training and 6+ years in healthcare help to maintain our high standards.